Family Fun

Thanks to all our family and friends for coming out to celebrate Chris's Big Day!  

Christopher got blessed on 10/14/12 by his Father
Uncle Spencer, Chris, and Thomas
A good looking group of young men.
Jeff's young men came out and helped us lay sod.  THANKS!!
Jeff put in the sprinklers.  Now that was a lot of work! 
Jared helping our yard come together.
Cute face
Even cuter!
Checking on Chris
Jeff and Thomas hard at work.
I thought Thomas looked adorable in his new pj's.

Runnin' Ute
Tailgate in the back.

Paul and Heidi sent this cute outfit all the way from Germany!  
Visiting the Zoo.  We love the new Rocky Shore addition.

Good times.
Little Brother

Fun at Cornbelly's 

New Muhn Family Life

Since the new addition to our family, Christopher, we have been more busy but having more fun as a family. Here are some pictures to update our life in the past 3 months.
Pictures courtesy of Lisa

 In the Hospital:

Sun Bathing to improve biliruben

 Watch me grow